Fashion brands have been inspired by the West.Japanese workers have been drawn to Tokyo.But that was then, and this is now. What comes next?
At Yonetomi Seni, we have techniques that you won’t find at any other company. And we have enough faith in these techniques to have launched our own in-house brand. We are, of course, not the only company with a long history and original techniques, and we can never allow ourselves to become complacent. We continue to uphold our proud tradition of staying at the forefront of the industry while pursuing our own unique individuality, and we never cease to seek new forms of expression. We want to show that Yonetomi has something special that is not only appreciated here in Japan, but can be recognized by customers the world over. Our concept of “fashion” is something that came from Western culture, which is why Japanese brands have always looked to Europe and America for inspiration. We have believed in our own capabilities less than we should. But perhaps what we should be asking ourselves is whether Yonetomi Seni’s particular brand of fashion craftsmanship is something that could be so easily reproduced in the West. Fashion products that draw on a rich tradition while moving ever forward have the power to clear language and cultural barriers in a single bound, and this is where Yonetomi’s potential lies. We develop original materials, we do not begrudge the time it takes to weave more difficult materials into shape, and we take the utmost care when asked to mend or repair an item. This is what lies at the core of our philosophy of fashion. Yamagata has long been a local producer of textiles, and being in a local production area is something that has helped to make our products possible. In the future, we will expand our borders beyond this locality, procuring materials from other suppliers and developing partnerships with other factories in an effort to boost the industry as a whole. We have been seeing an outflow of the work force from less urban areas such as Yamagata to the big cities, but can we somehow reverse this trend? We ponder ways of creating employment opportunities for local young people and those who come to Yamagata from other regions, and we think about how to maximize the potential of the young workers who master our techniques. I hope we will see an increase in those who are interested in showing the world what Yamagata has to offer, and who are at the same time inspired by our products to take a deeper interest in our company and industry. I hope that eventually, some of our young employees will launch new brands that I could never envision. Yonetomi Seni is not only a company that produces manufacturing goods, but we are also a company that has worked to respond flexibly to the fluctuations of the times and our changing society. This is what lies at the core of our stance as a business. As we continue to keep pace with the ever-changing world of fashion, we will strive to be a company with a long and proud history that never ceases to evolve.
From the production floor, we consider what we seek, and where we are going
These days, finding things to wear isn’t generally a problem, and there’s a wide variety of knitwear available at reasonable prices. But it’s those moments when you find that really special piece of clothing that you discover the happiness which fashion can bring you. Those times when you bring home something new and can’t help smiling when you put it on for the first time, or when you notice that spring in your step when you leave home in your new outfit the next day. People compliment you, and you feel good about yourself. If you’re going to wear something, it should be something you can enjoy. It is my hope that right now, someone out there is experiencing the joy of finding that special something, and I hope that our company can continue to offer customers the products that they dream of.

Ken Oe (CEO, Yonetomi Seni Co., Ltd. / COOHEM Director)
After living in Yamagata prefecture, one of Japan’s leading producers of knit fabrics, until his graduation from high school, Ken Oe went on to study marketing, design and fabrics at college. Following his employment at a multi-brand fashion boutique, in 2007 he joined his family business Yonetomi Seni Co., Ltd., a long-established knitwear manufacturer also engaged in OEM ventures with many reputable Japanese brands, where he became involved in the planning and development of knit textiles. Focusing his attention on the many original vintage textiles developed during the company’s long history, he saw the limitless possibilities of knit tweed fabric, and to realize his vision, in 2010 he launched the in-house COOHEM brand. He was awarded the Tokyo Fashion Award in 2016, and since 2015 he has represented the Yonetomi Seni company as he has worked to promote the Japanese factory brand within Japan and throughout the world.